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EYFS and Primary 

We provide our Students with a high-quality, British education, adapted for an international setting and enriched by the addition of Arabic language and Emirati Social Studies. We follow the National Curriculum for England as well as encompassing the educational teaching and learning requirements of the KHDA. 

Our curriculum is mindful of non-native English speakers and reflects the community to which it caters with support provided as required. Links will be made to students’ home countries as well as the local region, and across all subject areas. Students are taught by both their class teacher and subject specialists in Music, Science, Arabic, Spanish, French, ICT, PE, and Art.

All South View teachers are required to plan for differentiated, creative and engaging lessons. Here child-led learning is paramount and children’s independent learning skills are developed within all subjects. We value the support of our South View Parents in their children’s learning and regularly invite them to curriculum workshops to ensure all members of the triad (parents, students, and teachers) feel supported and informed.

All students learn in different ways and we recognise the need to develop strategies and provide opportunities that allow all children to learn in ways that best suit them. Through our teaching, we aim to provide all our children with differentiated learning opportunities that will help them develop the necessary critical thinking skills that will, in turn, enable them to become independent, enquiring and creative life-long learners.

  • The EYFS statutory framework as published by the UK Government is accessible online.
  • The UK Primary Curriculum for England published by the UK Government is accessible online.


Students at South View School follow a broad and rich curriculum, which maintains a significant degree of consistency with other British Curriculum schools around the world. This enables us to ensure a continuity of study for all of our students.

The academic programme is based on the National Curriculum for England, delivered in English and adapted to take into account our international context and local circumstances. Being a Dubai school, Arabic is an important language for all of our students to learn and Islamic Studies is delivered to our Muslim students, as directed by the Ministry of Education.

South View School is committed to ensuring that the ‘whole child’ progresses, we do not focus solely on the academics. Our student-centered approach nurtures the individual abilities of our students. Our students are taught to utilise their own initiative and innovation and to actively participate in the learning process in a reflective and evaluative way.

We seek to inspire and engage our students on their learning journey by offering a broad and balanced curriculum.

The UK Secondary Curriculum for England published by the UK Government is accessible online.